Rest over

I have been applying the doctors orders on resting since my surgery. I'm back to walking without aids. Sleeping back upstairs in my favorite bed. Doing all my own work. Outside trying to get all the weeds from my gardens. Re-pot some plants. I don't know if they died from lack of attention. Or the birds pulled them out because I wasn't home to feed them. The wild birds that is. I found one out on the footpath. I put it in a pot and am praying I can save it.

I have been busy crocheting during my breaks from work. I have finished another two and others partly done. The weather was muggy for a few weeks which made crochet not possible.

My head has cleared so I am getting back into writing mode. I've been doing some research to see where I'd like to publish some of my stories. And have to dig out the one I had nearly finished before going to hospital.

These are the last two I have finished. I have a few more to make before I have one for all members of my family.

Everywhere is green since cyclone Debbie. We only got a strong wind and rain. We received what was left after she crossed the cost north of here. I have relations in the worst hit parts of the state. Others south of us, and north, were flooded. Homes and businesses were flooded. Roads badly washed away. Some places will take months, or years, to return to normal.

I had better go do a bit of work before the muscles become cold. They don't want to work after I've been sitting too long.


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