Grand Parent Memories.
The topic for the month was "Grand Parents". This was a very hard topic. I didn't have much association with mine. Some died before, or just after, I was born. But I did come up with a couple of memories once I began to dig deep into the past. How times have changed Negative connection I wasn't close to either of my two remaining grandparents. My mother's mother died two years after I was born My father's father. I don't know anything about him. He wasn't mentioned within my hearing. I lived too far away to have much contact with them. We had to drive for hours to visit when my father wasn't working. The visits were very short. To me. Both were grumpy. Distant in approach. Not showing love to me. I was made to feel I wasn't wanted. Distance from both of them may have caused us to have no connection. Even though my grandchildren live away from me, I still love them all the same. Tr...