Birthday Trip

The group of friends from the bus joined me on the trip for my Birthday. Hazel baked me a delicious chocolate cake.

We went to the Maryborough Markets. Had lunch at the RSL club. We went sight seeing on the way home. And stopped at a fruit and vegetable stall.

I bought a couple more different coloured Desert Roses. I have a few different colours. My aunt gave me a seed pod off of her red Desert Rose. When it opened, I placed the pod in a tray with potting mix. Now. I'm busy potting the seedlings to pots when they are big enough to make room for the others sprouting. I've potted about twenty-five.

Here are the pictures I took on the trip.

This photo is some of the different colours available in the Desert Roses.

The hats, and coats the dogs are wearing were made by Margaret Kelly, who sells them at the Maryborough Markets.


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