
Showing posts from September, 2016

Dangerous tree goes

Neighbors have watched this tree with each approaching storm. Afraid it might fall on their homes. The way it swayed. And bent to the winds fierceness. The Magpie watched them cut down the tree. The pair usually nested there. Sat there to watch for me to open the shed door to swoop down for food. To watch for the postie to come deliver the mail. Stranger they know should not be in your yard. The job took two days to cut down and chip up the limbs as they sawed them off. At least everyone will feel safer with the predicted stormy weather to head our way.

Catching the sun

The warmer weather should arrive soon. Lizards are coming out to sun themselves. this was the first one. There are more scooting around the yard and sitting on the posts out of harms way. Luckily. I haven't struck any while I have been trying to catch up with the weeding which grew during the winter months. I have been slowly working on the garden beds when the back, hip, and weather permitting. I work until the pain comes. Take a break to crochet, write, or do computer work. With all jobs, I have learned to not keep going when the pain strikes. During the winter months I did a lot of crocheting to make woolen blankets for those in need. Most of the time the wool is supplied but I do buy some to be able to finish the project when the supply is low.                Mystery woman My Vegas. Vegas is a bright star. A Celestial body. So that...