Woken by Yelling
The sound of my voice. Yelling. Woke me. Woke me from the terror. The terror of the unknown. Unseen. Things with sharp claws. I hadn't been dreaming. Or in the middle of a nightmare. Where was I. I don't know. Weeks previous hadn't been stressful. I was calm. And collective. At the click of the light switch. I hadn't been reading a horror story. Or been watching a murder one. So. What had caused this fear to run through every muscle of my body. Fear so strong I tasted it on my tongue. I lifted my left arm to cover my face for protection. The claws were sharp as pins. Darts. Both my arms had become pin cushions. Each pin prick stung worse than a bee sting. “Go away. Leave me alone. Get away from me. Get out of here.” Like a dream. Or nightmare. There wasn't any vision to gauge what happened before the attack started. Just the fear of many claws. The moment my yelling voice. And words. Registered. I woke. Every claw vanished. I didn't ...